When collecting Bohemian garnet jewelry, there are certain specific characteristics to analyze. One must examine the visual qualities closely to confirm if a piece is Bohemian Garnet. Generally, it is relatively easy to determine whether jewelry is genuinely Bohemian garnet, and dating the era can also be less daunting. With accurate reviews and an eye for detail, collecting Victorian Bohemian Garnet jewelry can be plentiful and relatively easy.
Antique Victorian Bohemian Garnet beaded necklace with adjustable tassel fringe closer. Courtesy of the Zanathia Jewelry Collection (archive).
- Examine the color of the garnet. Bohemian garnets are generally either a ruby or fiery red color. Garnets tend to be very transparent and sparkle. The stone will contain a high refraction of light.
- Study the arrangement and design of the garnets. Many 19th-century Bohemian Garnet jewelry artisans emphasized the intricate details of jewelry. Each formation enclosing the Bohemian Garnet jewelry piece often features a cluster design that showcases minimal metalwork. This pavé setting is one of the most distinguishing features of Bohemian Garnet jewelry. Victorian Era Bohemian Garnet jewelry pieces tend to resemble pomegranates with their opulent hue and rose designs.
- When purchasing authentic Bohemian Garnet jewelry, please review the settings to determine its age. For brooches and pins, examine the backing closely. Typically, the safety pin will extend beyond the catch. Original Victorian clasps include tube and c-clasp hinges. Around 1890, the safety catch was invented to secure brooches and pins better. Early safety catches were handmade. Victorian Era brooches/pins usually have simple handmade clasps. Although there are modern reproductions of Victorian garnet jewelry, 19th-century Era pierced earrings usually had long, simple looped wires for pierced ears or threaded posts. Screw-backs for non-pierced earrings were invented during the 1890s and patented in 1894.
13th annual Busiest House in America jewelry catalog featuring Victorian Bohemian Garnet Dangle Earrings; 1889; https://archive.org/details/13thannualillust00busi/page/410/mode/2up
13th annual Busiest House in America jewelry catalog featuring Victorian Bohemian Garnet pendants and neck chains; 1889; https://archive.org/details/13thannualillust00busi/page/410/mode/2up
Bohemian Garnet jewelry is still one of the most curated Victorian jewelry trends and is routinely worn in modern times. Many present-day designs have incorporated 19th-century Bohemian Garnet trends in their jewelry, and Victorian reproduction pieces are highly marketed. Finding an authentic Victorian Bohemian Garnet piece is not only a fantastic rare accessory, but it is also historically significant. Since Bohemia was dissolved in 1918, it is fascinating to possess a part of history connected to many stories and memories. The beauty and history of Bohemian Garnet jewelry will continue to be a leading antique trend collected and loved by many.